Media Log

Early in the morning, there were a lot of text messages coming to my phone. "Hey? Donghak, I am watching you on the TV. I am surprised and It is very nice seeing you..." Even my elementary school teacher called me. Tanks to my job which is an English speaking tour guide in Jeju island, I had a chance to be on TV. 

A few weeks ago I got a call from a TV writer Miss Ahn. She said that MBC broadcast staion wanted to make a 30 minutes documentary film about me and my profession. Because English speaking tour guiding for foreigners is not common thing in Jeju island, where is dominated by domestic and Chinese tourists. And beside of their suggestion, I was thinking to make a film on my tour guiding on my own. So being on public TV show would be a good idea for that. However, consent of me wan't enough to make a film because they needed a consent from my clients as well. And duet to no contact number there was no way to inform them in advance. 'Will they agree with being on TV? and, Even will they join my tour in positive way?" Suddenly I felt my brain heavy with so many questions and nervous for a project. 

The more problem was that they wanted to take my family on the film as well. I had to give a second thought for that. I didn't want to reveal my privacy. It's bit reluctant to ask my family. Anyway I told my wife about this and she said snickerly that "well...It's a good chance to say truth that you are such a idle guy". Well, It was joke with a serious meaning, However, my kid was so gleeful to think of being on TV. Anyway, we had decided to be on TV. How many chances can we get our whole family on TV? and It can be a life memory. 

The filming was divided into two parts. first part lasted 3 days, and second parts lasted 2 days. On the first day of starting to take a film, I and film director were waiting for the clients at the airport. As I mentioned I hadn't informed them about our filming in advance. 'Will they agree with that?' It was a first step for the filming to get an agreement from them. There are 6 people in the group. One was 4 people in Korean-American family and the other one was an Indian couple. Finally, we met them and introduced each other. Carefully asked for a consent for filming. They seemed bit embarrassed at first, but soon all of them said "Why not? It will be a good experiences for our Jeju tour" Yes! They were cool people.  

​As a camera kept following us, obviously it seemed my clients were nervous and uncomfortable. Even I was nervous that I couldn't do my guiding properly. Anyway on the first day I brought them to the stone cultural park and explained general knowledge of geology, culture, and history on Jeju island. Actually I love to explain about Jeju island to my clients when they show sincere interest. With doing a job I am good at, I felt confident and my clients seemed feel more comfortable on the camera. However, I felt like I was the one who got nervous mostly among us. 

The next day, filming went on all day long. The tension being on the camera had gone and they started joking and playing in front of the camera. When they seemed comfortable, I felt comfortable as well. My guiding became more natural too. And thankfully the Indian couple dressed in Indian traditional costumes for the film. It added more diverse effect and interests for the show. The director was excited with the Indian couple. 

It was a full and long day. I showed everything I could do in my tour program. I spared no efforts and it was fully rewarded. In the interview my clients gave a heartfelt compliment for my tour. Well, It was too much for me but I was delightful with what they said about me. The filming lasted two more days after we bided a farewell and more episodes came out. If you go to this site you can see a whole show.
